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By Mayukh Arora


Johnny's mother is an ear, nose, throat doctor at a hospital. This hospital became a Covid hospital when the new corona virus started spreading.


All the doctors of the hospital then started treating Covid patients. Johnny's mother was an ear-nose-throat doctor. But now, she also shifted to treating Covid patients. The virus was spreading fast. Johnny stayed at home with his father and grandparents. His mother stayed in the quarantine centre at the hospital.

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She had strong immunity and she protected herself well. So she was not infected with Covid. One day, many doctors of this hospital became sick because of Covid. But Johnny's mother tested negative. That means Covid did not infect her. So she continued working and treating people.


Johnny missed his mother. But his father explained to him that his mother was no less than a warrior. She was fighting to save the lives of people.


Jonny was happy to hear that his mother was helping so many people during these tough times. He prayed every morning with his father and grandparents for his mother and for all the frontline workers who were working hard to keep other people safe.


Oh okay! Guys, check below this story. There’s something connected to this story you might want to learn.


Mayukh is 11 years old. He is a storyteller at Readersburg Story Club.

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In Mayukh’s story, The Covid Doctor, Johnny’s mother is an ear-nose-throat doctor. Or ENT doctor, in short.


Ear-nose-throat or ENT doctor is just fine. It’s short and sweet and everyone uses it. But an ENT doctor is also called an Otolaryngologist.


Yeah! It’s long and complicated. But it’s always okay to know a new word. Now let’s break it up and make it easy for you. So it goes like:

Oto - laryn - gologist.


Cool? So see you are richer by a word now! 

By Siddharth Karatia


The bookstore near my house opened after the lockdown. I went there with my mother. I looked at all the books and found out that I had read all the books.


So I thought I should make new books. So I wrote three books and named them Charlie and the Ghost Charlotte’s House, The Great family, The Kind Fox. Then I created an app and named it Book Lovers.


There were billion users of my app and then I started a library app.


Siddharth is 8 years old. He is a storyteller at Readersburg Story Club.

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