RNI No: MPENG/2017/74298
What's Up, World?
Not that you guys can take in all the news and be cool about it. In fact, you don't even need to do that! The news that you must know is the news that you must chew on...the news that makes you think, debate, be right. So here's this week's news for you then...Read...
Covid Etiquettes
Every disease is harmful and needs special attention and awareness. But a contagion has a vibe of its own. It demands a completely different kind of attendance.​ New behaviours and etiquettes to deal with it. Read on...
Because You Care
Being struck by a contagion that has no cure can leave someone seriously lonely. You, as kids, can be of immense help even if the world tells you otherwise.
Here's how all you can help in these distressing times. Read on...
The Breather
This device makes it easier for Covid patients to recover. Understand it and help someone make the right choice.
It's called a concentrator. We go inside it and tell you also what's up in the markets. Read on...