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The sun savers

by Jai Gupta



One morning, I was looking at the Sun. It was 6:30am but the Sun was as hot as if it was 1pm. Suddenly a golden drop fell on me. At first I wondered where it came from. But then I decided to go inside and watch some news and find out. As soon as I switched on the news channel, the first thing I heard was a news flash telling about the changing climate. A thought struck my mind when I watched this piece of news. The fire, the friction, the air pollution...all these things were making the atmosphere hot and all the heat collected in the atmosphere was now reaching the Sun and the Sun was melting! Immediately, I called a close friend to go on this adventure to space.



While my friend and I were searching for a rocket, suddenly, an UFO landed before us. As we were wondering what it was, the shuttle of the UFO opened and a strange octopus kind of animal with wings and feet of a duck and habits of a human came out. We were awestruck! Our minds were blank. Finally, we gathered courage to speak and ask the strange creature as to who he was and where he came from. The creature replied that he was an alien and that he came from Jupiter and his name was Awky. He had come because he wanted to save the Sun. Then he asked us whether he could join the squad. Happily, I replied, "Yes." I also announced, "We are a team of astronauts now and will be called Sun Savers (SS)." As we were a team, we all traveled in his UFO.



Five years later, we reached a bit close to the Sun as his UFO was heat proof. We all took a

break and discussed the plan. Our plan was to create a giant fan and spray ice over the Sun with this fan. Now, the question was how to get all the supplies. Awky said, "I have a storeroom in the UFO which we can use." It took us a day to create four gigantic fans and then we put at least a billion ice cubes into each fan. We set the fans in their right places and turned them on. It took them about seven hours to cool the sun. The mission was accomplished!



We reached back in another five years. Everyone thanked us for saving the Sun. I also made an

announcement that every month we would celebrate a day known as " GREEN DAY" on which we

would plant trees. The PM also announced that since my friend and I had gone to space for years, we would be given a job which involved traveling to other planets. Finally we thanked and bid a goodbye to Awky and he returned to Jupiter, while on the other hand we headed to our homes. We would never forget an adventure like this and Awky.


Jai is an author with The Shepherd of Readersburg. He is 9 years old. Jai is also a storyteller and reader at The Shepherd of Readersburg’s Story Club and Reading Club.


Copyright. All rights reserved. The nano book, ‘The sun savers’, including the contents, concepts, names etc in there are exclusive properties of The Shepherd of Readersburg and Spink Turtle Media Pvt Ltd. Re-publication, reproduction or re-distribution of the story in any form without a prior and explicit written consent from the authorities at The Shepherd of Readersburg or Spink Turtle Media Pvt Ltd is strictly prohibited. Any infringement will attract legal action.

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