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19 July edition: What do you read in it?

So guys, here's yet another Covid edition of The Shepherd of Readersburg! 


And your story buddies are out there being all thoughtful and intelligent about handling this new corona virus. In this edition, you've got Milit, Amal, Mayukh, Rishi and Siddharth with their thoughts about the way things are in these different times. Check out their stories to know what they are thinking. Readersburg's teenager, Himoneesh, has been shares a thoughtful story about a grocery store. Find his story on page 2.


Hey wait! Bighead and Euco also tell us how to make a mask with your t-shirt! Yes! Though there are masks of all designs and colours out there in the market these days, but chances are you may still not find a mask that you think is cool for you. So that old t-shirt that has your favourite cartoons on it, is the thing you need to get your favourite cool mask! Then let's get cracking!

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